Our Vision of Success
Communities across the country build afterschool systems to ensure ALL young people thrive.
Every Hour Counts:
Supports a community of practice by sharing promising practices and engaging in knowledge-sharing activities.
Developed a Measurement Framework that describes common measures for outcomes at the youth, program, and system levels. This framework provides a blueprint for coordinated accountability and improvement, so quality practices lead to measurable, improved outcomes for students.
Leads demonstration projects that test the feasibility of policy and practice concepts and disseminates findings and tools for replication.
Serves as a clearinghouse of information about expanded-learning systems.
Convenes stakeholders to share knowledge and ideas.
Advocates for policy change.
Provides local, customized technical assistance.
The Every Hour Counts network represents longstanding partnerships with more than 3,500 schools, districts, and community-based organizations that provide quality after-school and summer programming. Every Hour Counts partners support initiatives that reach 500,000 students each year.
Every Hour Counts is looked to as a leader in the youth development field for our national reach, the innovative leadership of our network members, and our contributions to the field such as our Putting Data to Work for Young People Measurement Framework and Guidebook and national conferences and resources. Further increasing our reach, we work in close collaboration with other national organizations such as the National Summer Learning Association, National Afterschool Association, Afterschool Alliance, National Urban League, and Coalition for Community Schools.